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Ambrose Wong - King’s College Old Boys’ Association 英皇書院同學會小學 (Primary 4 (age 10))

My child has tried taking English classes outside, but he found the teacher difficult to understand, which made him less willing to speak and listen in class. Then, Ambrose began taking online English lessons with iSpeakPerfect when he was in K3. At first, he struggled to read and understand what the teacher was saying during the lessons. However, his progress was so rapid that by the time he reached fourth grade, he had the confidence to participate in various English activities at school. He was recently appointed as the English ambassador for Hong Kong King's College Old Boys' Association and also participated in the school's English drama, representing the school in competitions abroad.

The one-to-one online course provided Ambrose with more opportunities to communicate with his teachers. The teachers were able to address his questions in real-time, which was like having a private tutoring class. In addition to reading, Ambrose's speaking and listening skills improved significantly through his interactions with the teachers, who had different accents from various nationalities. This experience has helped him communicate more effectively with his teachers at school.

Ambrose Wong

Hailey Wong - St. Francis' Canossian School 嘉諾撒聖方濟各學校 (Form 2 (Age 15))

As a parent, I understand that language learning is a cumulative process. That's why I encourage my child to read books in both Chinese and English. However, my child found reading English books daunting, and I was searching for a solution. That's when a friend recommended iSpeakPerfect's online learning platform. One of the reasons I chose iSpeakPerfect is that my child is busy all day, and it's time-consuming to travel to a physical location for English lessons. Additionally, speaking English in front of a group of children can be intimidating. With iSpeakPerfect, my child can learn English online through personalised one-on-one sessions with foreign teachers. The teachers provide visual and audio feedback, which has helped to improve my child's listening and speaking skills. Since starting with iSpeakPerfect, my child has become more confident in communicating in English and has participated in a debate class, where she can communicate with foreign teachers face-to-face. The new platform includes quizzes, listening, and reading comprehension exercises, which have helped me track my child's progress.

Now there are also HKDSE Form 6 courses. So I will still go on until she completes the DSE (diploma) exam.

Hailey Wong

Flora Au Chan’s Creative School (Hong Kong island) 啟基學校(港島)

Dear Teacher Anna and Teaching Team:

Our daughter Fiona Au has joined your English online learning platform since 2017 without realizing it. Before I participated, my daughter was very, very resistant to English. She often failed in writing, and her English test scores were not ideal. She was even more shy in front of foreign teachers, and she has no interest in learning at all. In the early stage of learning, my daughter often asked me to accompany her to attend class together, and I could not leave a step away. We have also considered whether this learning model is effective or not. With hope that she will not give up halfway, we let her continue to learn but monitor closely.

Gradually we discovered that she was interested in learning English, and her English writing and exam scores improved significantly. At the same time, she was able to attend class independently. She would even ask questions in class and participate actively. This teaching and learning method made her worked harder and it even enhanced her self-confidence. There is no doubt that we have benefited from your professional teaching and encouragement. The flipped classroom approach made a difference!

Justin Lau - Student Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College 陳瑞褀 (喇沙)書院2 HUKST 香港科大 (2021 - to date)

“Justin’s ranking moved up to 3rd place among 124 full-time students in the 2nd Uniform Test Result in 2017-2018. In 2021, Justin successfully secured a place at the Hong Kong Science and Technology University (HKUST) to study BEng in Electrical Engineering.”

I'm Justin Lau’s mom. Justin grew up lacking confidence in English. I tried many ways to help him learn English. For example, Justin played rugby. The rugby team's children and coaches are foreigners. He wanted to play rugby and talk with his teammates. Because Justin is learning English, the other children laughed at Justin's pronunciation, so because of that experience Justin lacked confidence. Justin avoided English, though he clearly understands how to say a sentence he refused to speak. However, he was taught by Anna and other teachers using the flipped-classroom approach. He slowly built up confidence. The ability to learn at his own pace means that he has less pressure to deal with. Among Justin's school’s 150 full-time students, his ranking was 15th in 2016-2017. While Justin's performance is impressive, what was most valuable about Justin's experience with speak3 was establishing self-confidence. It has been so important for him to establish this confidence. Therefore, I really appreciate the teachers! Thank you for your hard work teaching students! Justin’s ranking moved up to 3rd place among 124 full-time students in the 2nd Uniform Test Result in 2017-2018. Read more...

Tiffany Lam - Student Metropolitan University 香港都會大學 (2022 - to date)

“I was only a few marks away from getting a 5* in my DSE English exam but I am satisfied with the results. In September 2022, I started my bachelor degree course in Physiotherapy at The Hong Kong Metropolitan University. It has always been something I wanted to pursue in my career. What’s more, I was thrilled to receive the entrance scholarship for year 1! ”

I first started learning at Speak 3 since 2013. I have stayed learning here for so long because of several reasons. One, I met many teachers from different countries, chatting with them strengthen my speaking and listening skills. Second, I keep enriching my vocabulary because short vocab quiz are required every lesson. Thirdly, I made friends with other students and the staff of the company are nice. We gather from time to time to keep in touch. Overall, I find the course effective in enhancing English in different aspects. Moreover, it broadens my horizons as various topics are discussed in the lessons. My DSE score for English was 5. Although I am only a few marks away from 5*, I am satisfied with the result of it. I am now studying BSc Physiotherapy in Hong Kong Metropolitan University. I have received the entrance scholarship for tuition fee in year 1.


Danny Feng - Student TWGHs Mrs Wu York Yu Memorial College 東華三院伍若瑜夫人紀念中學 PolyU 香港理工大學 (2022 - to date)

“On 1st September 2022, Danny started his first day at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) to study BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering.”

Hello! Danny is very fortunate to be your student. I am very grateful! Thank you for your continuous encouragement. Danny has spent much of his time trying to learn English with some resistance. Your new and active teaching methods and strict student requirements are exactly in line with the requirements and expectations of parents. So, as we say: “we are 100% confident to hand him over to you!” In the days to come, I know Danny can make even greater progress as the teacher's hard work pays off!

Danny’s mom

William Tang - Student PolyU 香港理工大學 (2022 - to date)

“In September 2022, my university journey begins with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). I am currently studying an Associate degree in Information Technology. I will study hard and will treasure my time as an undergraduate student.”

I started studying with Speak3 when I was 10 or so. It seems like a long time ago, but I can still remember the happy times! They are a very caring education institution, unlike traditional tuition centers. In the summer of 2018, I joined their 18-day Summer Course flyover to the UK and Holland. We all had a fabulous time. A memorable experience during our punting trip in Cambridge. I almost fell into the river, luckily, the other punt passed by and it save me when I was able to hop-on and hop-back to our punt. The overnight cruise to Amsterdam was also an unforgettable experience. We had to cook, clean, and even write a travel journal during the whole trip. It’s not like other summer camps where we just follow the leaders. We had the freedom to plan the trip together. I am really happy that I made it to the University. It’s an extra year, but it will be good training for me to build a good foundation in the subject. I will still be part of Speak3 even though I had left for the University. And I will never forget what they have done for me

King Tsang - Student Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School 基督教香港信義會葵盛信義學校

Before I started to apply for SPEAK3 learning centre, my English level (reading) was poor and my speech was even worse.

After studying with several teachers face-to-face and learning English in context of reading and writing, my English (including reading and speaking) improved. I think this was established by SPEAK3. The reason I made so much progress is because in the online environment, students have lots of opportunities to speak and write in English, and can learn from each other in small groups - this is a win-win situation. I am very grateful to all those who taught me in the SPEAK3 course, especially Anna, thank you very much! Thank!

King (Student)

Benson Mui - Student Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School 基督教香港信義會葵盛信義學校

“My son’s performance in the class was often praised by the teacher and made my child more confident in English learning. When my son meets foreigners he is no longer too fearful to speak up.”

I am Benson's mother. The SPEAK3 Learning Centre, founded by teacher Anna uses unique teaching methods that are suitable for my family - we do not speak English. Benson used to learn English just to cope with the school's homework, and he wouldn't read English texts at home. Now, in SPEAK3 classes, Benson has access to foreign teachers, and the teachers can easily and interactively communicate with students. With this communication, learning English is no longer difficult, and Benson feels that learning English is fun. My child also brought this kind of fun to the school classroom. His performance in the class was often praised by the teacher and made my child more confident in English learning. When my son meets foreigners he is no longer too fearful to speak up; rather my child will say “hello”. Reading and writing every day can consolidate learning also. In terms of new challenges, when my son encounters words and sentences he does not know, he will use a dictionary and the internet to find out the answers he needs to know. I am happily surprised my son now has such self-confidence and such a positive performance. This is the result of Anna's continuous encouragement and appreciation of Benson. The positive energy that Anna brings to her students is a gift. I believe that Benson stands to gain in the future from his English learning in education and in life. Thank you, Anna.

Benson's mom

Marcus Chong - Student St. Francis of Assisi’s English Primary School (聖方濟各英文小學)

I am very pleased to recommend Anna. I am fortunate to have Marcus as a son. Marcus is a hard-to-teach child. Thank you for not giving up on him. We are always looking for teaching methods that are beneficial to him.

He is often encouraged by Anna and benefits from her positive energy. Although for a long time Marcus hated English homework, your caring heart, dedicated teaching, and unique teaching methods have made Marcus feel that learning can be very enjoyable. In the days to come, I hope that under your careful guidance, Marcus can become even more confident, learn independently, and improve his English. He has come so far and he can do an even better job!.

Marcus’ mom

Philip Chu - Student SKH Chu Yan Primary School (聖公會主恩小學)

Dear Teacher Anna: I'm very happy that Philip was able to meet you and become your student. Even though it was only a short period of six months so far,

Philip benefited from instruction from you and yours during this short period of time. The team's meticulous care and careful attention to all communication points improved Philip's ability in terms of self-confidence and English. Maybe it is a small step for others, but for me, it is indeed a big step. I love to see that my child is more confident and self-disciplined in English learning. Teacher Anna and your outstanding team promote an approach to learning I believe will allow Philip to go further and further in his study of English. The further Philip goes, the more he will improve and the more he improves, the more fun he has and the more fun he has the more he learns!

Philip’s mother.

Thomas Yu - Student Sheung Shui Alliance Primary School (上水宣道小學)

Hi Miss Anna: Hello! When my son Thomas first started, he didn't dare to speak English, and he didn't have confidence to speak up in class. His school English teacher said when Thomas was in class he didn't actively raise his hand to answer questions, and didn't participate when his teacher asked him questions.

He couldn't speak English .... At the beginning, I was surprised that he had language barriers, dyslexia, and so on... However after studying at your center, his progress has been great. He is even willing to speak up, and we are completely satisfied. His teacher and I are so happy that Thomas actively raises his hand to answer the questions asked by the teacher, and his vocabulary has also increased. I'm so excited that he has these test scores, thank you very much! I hope to continue to cheer for my son as he succeeds with your help! Work hard!!!

Thomas’s Mom.

King Tsang - Student Kiangsu Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) (葵涌蘇浙公學)

After attending classes with Speak3, I have felt that King’s English ability has improved dramatically. He is now able to achieve 100% in tests. The teachers are able to help every child individually and inform them about words they have mispronounced. Sometimes the teachers are even able to help them with corrections late at night. I am really grateful for this service.

Thank you Miss Anna for helping him with different methods and courses. Before when I was at home, I did not hear King reading English texts. Since he attended this English class, I can hear King reading English at home. I am very happy about this. At the beginning, King didn’t want to participate, and his learning attitude was resistant. Thanks to Miss Anna’s encouragement and opportunities, he's now much better than before. There are many English courses out there, but I’m so glad I chose this teaching team.

King's mother


The homework given by our teacher would involve some phrases that we would have to read. Our teacher would then check our homework and test us on our knowledge each week.

One of our teachers (Laura) would always give us songs, such as the ‘baby shark, mother shark and father shark’ song.

Katy & Cherrie.

Kathy Lau Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School (基督教香港信義會葵盛信義學校)

Kathy went from achieving 0% to 75% and when I saw this improvement I was extremely happy. At first she was very shy in her lessons, but now she is confident and thinks that foreign teachers are very kind.

Kathy's mother

Eric Tam Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School (基督教香港信義會葵盛信義學校)

It has been half a year (since 2016) Eric learned English from Teacher Anna and Ken Sir. My son’s English performance in school has improved significantly. Reading has also improved a lot. Teacher Anna gives encouragement and care to every child, and teaches every child in detail and corrects their mistakes. Teacher Anna always points out what the children read or write incorrectly. Their professionalism and love for children are admirable. On behalf of all parents, I would also like to thank Teacher Anna and Ken Sir. Thank you!

Eric parents


How good is your English?

Vocabulary plays an important part in learning to read. Readers cannot understand without knowing what most of the words mean. A robust vocabulary improves all areas of communication - listening, speaking, reading and writing. How good is your vocabulary knowledge? Let's find out. We also have other tests available for schools depending on their assessment needs.

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